So while I was working out today, I started to realize that I look at myself as a complete package a lot of the time. Before that sounds as arrogant as I might think it sounds, let me elaborate.
Often times, I see "Will" when I look in the mirror. That's great and all, and in reality if I saw someone else I'd be just a little distressed. This mindset really prevails throughout life. "It's me versus the world." "Look out for Number One." "Me, myself and I."
So I'm sitting here working out this evening (Power 90 Day... four), and I start thinking to myself "Man, I'm really tired. I sure would like to just take a break for a minute. My abs are killing me."
Then that's when I realize that I listen to my flesh WAY too much.
My flesh wanted to stop and not be so active. My flesh wanted to pop on the final episode of Hell's Kitchen (which let's be honest, I'm going to watch tonight). My flesh wanted to give it up and take the easy way out. The problem is that the easy way out doesn't get anything accomplished. I would just end up in the same position I was before I started working out. There would be NO FORWARD PROGRESS whatsoever... if I listened to only my flesh.
The same can be applied to the spiritual realm.
People in the church, whether they want to admit it or not, struggle with all KINDS of things (myself included). From alcoholism to drug abuse to being addicted to control to pornography to... the list goes on and on. All these weaknesses and addictions are the fleshes crowning glory. You watch porn, you enjoy it... for a time. (Hebrews 11 talks about serving the people instead of enjoying the pleasures of sin for a season) You go get drunk and it feels great... until the morning comes. Man hoooo-wee that affair is exciting... then you realize that your family is in shambles and your integrity will be in question possibly for the rest of your life.
Here's the deal... when working out, you have to tell your body "Listen to me body, we're going to get through this workout because this is what is good for me."
... when you're facing temptations: "Listen to me body, that is not good for us. You and I are in this together and we're going to honor God because that is what is good for me."
So yes, I am a complete package. Mind and flesh.
...But it's all about which one's in charge. May you honor God.
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