Monday, August 9, 2010

Getting settled in

Jó naput kivanók!

That was the first thing we learned in Hungarian Language School this week. I tell you what, trying to fit an entire language into two weeks is pretty difficult, but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. I'm slowly venturing out into the city around me and starting to explore now that I am in my official flat. I have a living room, a bathroom, a bedroom and a kitchen all connected to one hallway. Keep an eye on the blog and I'll get some pictures up here soon.

I will be writing my monthly email soon so if you are not on the list and would like to be (or if you're not sure you're on the list and would like to be) drop me a line at I would love to get you signed up so I can keep you updated on what's going on.

The email will definitely be a little more detailed.

Love you guys,

1 comment:

  1. Hey, the new blogspot that you said was up still isn't showing. Will you have a chance to work on it soon? Love!
